
Consulting service

Our counselling on asylum is meant to address all people in Würzburg and Unterfranken, who are currently in their asylum procedure and do not have a permanent residency in Germany. The counselling is open for all refugees, regardless of religion or belief. The consultation is free of charge and all information exchanged during counselling is treated with confidentiality. Nothing of which is thematized in the consultation is passed on to authorities or other people/organisations without consent. Being perceived as an independent consultation centre is of utter importance for us.

What we offer refugees:

  • A professional and committed team of women and men, who wants to listen and understand, what refugees had to experience in their countries of origin and while fleeing.
  • A team of counsellors, who regularly educates oneself on the law of immigration and asylum and works closely with lawyers of the expert commission of Amnesty International.
  • Information about the asylum procedure in Germany, to facilitate the understanding of every step in the procedure and to learn what is best for oneself.
  • A close reading and complete check of all documents concerning useful and important information, which might have not been taken into consideration yet and a document-based feedback concerning the status of the asylum procedure. Please remember that reliable statements are only possible if the documents are submitted in complete form.
  • Help with the understanding of legal terminology in official letters or other documents.
  • We offer to connect you with lawyers proficient in the right of asylum.
  • Also, putting you in contact with other qualified organizations, for example: social care, consultation centres specialized on migration and asylum policies and other organizations that might be helpful.
  • Further, we may also be able to provide you and your lawyer with relevant information on the human rights’ situation in your country of origin.

Our priorities

The asylum and immigration law is comprehensive, complex and it is constantly subjected to legal changes. To fulfil the concerns of refugees, we, as consultants of Amnesty International Würzburg, have prioritized on the following topics:


Counselling and support for people, who are in the midst of Dublin proceedings or are facing a deportation to another EU-country.

Support for other refugee consulting centres, regarding the Dublin-Regulation, with, for example, lectures on introducing the law, expert knowledge, research and a database.


Intensive preparations for the first interviews at the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees – BAMF (Anhörung) and the rehearing in the withdrawal and revocation proceedings (Widerrufsverfahren).

Judicial hearing

Intensive preparations for an upcoming judicial hearing, usually in consultation with the responsible lawyer.

LGBTI*Q (Queer)

Detailed counselling of LGBTI*Q refugees on issues of asylum, in cooperation with the LSVD (Lesbian and Gay Association), as well as the centre for gays and lesbians in Würzburg (Wuf-Zentrum).


Detailed counselling for people on issues of asylum, who want to, or already have, converted to Christianity.

How to contact us

Please contact us prior to a consultation. You can reach us via telephone or Email. Emergency telephone number for refugees: 0175 1253224 and Email-address: asylberatung@amnesty.de. In order to help you, we also have to take a look at all available documents, please send them beforehand via Email or by postal mail. The address for this purpose is: Amnesty International, Jürgen Heß, c/o Augustinerkloster, Dominikanerplatz 2, 97070 Würzburg. We will contact you and eventually arrange an appointment, after having reviewed the documents.

Open consultation hours (Gesprächsladen)

On certain Tuesdays, you can meet us during 6 to 8 pm in the Gesprächsladen next to the Augustinerkirche Würzburg, Dominikanerplatz 4. Please note, that we are only available during these hours, please do not visit the Gesprächsladen at other times and do not hand in your documents there.

In order for you to find us during the consultation hours, there will be on the front door a yellow sign with the Amnesty International logo at the entrance.

Eingang Gesprächsladen

Eingang Gesprächsladen

The next dates for consultation appointments are: 

Please regard, that during the Corona-Pandemic we have to follow certain rules for your and our safety. Keep the safety distance of 1.5 meters an use a FFP2-Mask.

Open consultation hours in the communal accommodation facility (GU), Veitshöchheimer Straße

At the moment, there are no consultations possible in the communal accommodation facility (GU), Veitshöchheimer Str. 100, due to the Corona-Pandemic.

Counselling on issues of asylum for women from women

Specifically for female refugees we offer a special consultation in a safe environment by female counsellors of Amnesty International. We do not only advise on questions regarding asylum and residence laws, but also – if needed- we can put you in contact with organisations that can help you with psychological and social issues.

6. Februar 2023